How the Verdict of the CJEU relating to MSM has been implemented in German Law
- Consequences of the Judgment of the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) of 29 April 2015 (C-528/13)
- Does the fact that a man has had or has sexual relations with another man (MSM - men having sex with men) constitute “sexual behaviour”?
- German Transfusion Act (“Transfusionsgesetz”) in the version of May 2023
- German “Guideline Hemotherapy” of the Federal Chamber of Physicians
Short Overview of the “Proposal for a Regulation on Substances of Human Origin”
This new proposal, inter alia,
- supports the continued provision of SoHO therapies,
- ensures high safety and quality standards,
- improves harmonisation across member states, facilitating cross-border exchange of SoHO and improving patient access to the therapies they need,
- creates conditions for safe, effective and accessible innovation,
- improves crisis preparedness and resilience to safeguard access to therapies.
Current regulatory Challenges in the Field of Blood and Plasma Products
- Evaluation of epidemiological data on blood transmissible infections:
- current guideline and current practical approaches
- future perspectives and next steps - SoHO: impact of the novel regulation and next steps
Trends in Innovation and Development in PDMPs
- Current status of plasma sourcing outside EU and USD
- Plasma testing
- Current trends in the product development and indications
- Fractionation market
- Current fractionation
- Trends outside EU / US
- New equipment
A Glimpse into the Future of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Trends in biopharma / Industry 4.0
- Some examples of PAT
- Sustainability
Recent Developments in Plasma Protein Research at CSL
- CSL: a plasma-based biotech
- Nebulised IgG in respiratory disease
- Heme- and Hemoglobin scavengers
Possibilities for Automation in a Process Lab
- Overview Takeda Process Labs
- Digitalisation & Automation
- KPIs as a tool for decision-making
- Challenges & opportunities
Inspections of Blood Establishments by Authorities
- Current legal Framework
- Inspection procedure
- Challenges and outlook
Why is a unique Identification of Substances from Human Origin important?
- Unique, ISO conform coding of blood, tissue, cells and other substances of human origin
- Eurocode IBLS is a non-profit organisation managed by medical professionals in the field
- Eurocode coding system is compatible with EU tissue coding system and ISBT 128 managed by ICCBBA in the field of tissues and cells
Asset Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- What is asset management, and why might you need it?
- Available technologies and hurdles in relation to frozen materials (Plasma/Intermediates)
- why QR/Barcodes are bad - Sample Use Cases
Annex 1 Contamination Control Strategy
- New GMP Annex 1 requires contamination control strategy
- Contamination control strategy shall be holistic approach covering facility, raw materials and process
- Stability Study Management – unifying the World under different Conditions - Dr Sophie Fröhlich
- A product is a product is a product: stability-related challenges and requirements from East to West
- Cost-benefit ration und regulatory requirements – limitations for increasing study effectiveness by predictive analysis
- Reducing tests increasing data analysis capabilities - time efficiency in the bottleneck for submissions
Mass Spectrometry and its Opportunities in Drug Development: an old Hat or the Future?
- LC-MS/MS in stability testing of drugs
- LC-MS/MS and the detection of impurities in pharmaceutical products
- LC-MS/MS and its opportunities to investigate isoforms of blood proteins (immunoglobulins, coagulation factors, plasminogen)
- C-MS/MS for the optimization of production conditions
Defending against the Unseen: Mastering Virus and TSE Safety through holistic Safety Concepts and Contamination Control Strategies
- Design of a state-of-the-art plasma product pathogen safety profile
- CCS: Consideration of the new EU GMP Annex I for the pathogen safety of PDMPs
- Intra- and inter-batch segregation concepts