
Dr. Ingrid Walther

Dr. Ingrid Walther

Pharma Consulting Walther

Dr. Bettina Rietz-Wolf

Dr. Bettina Rietz-Wolf

Regierungspräsidium Tübingen

Dr. Jürgen Blattner

Dr. Jürgen Blattner


Carsten Moschner

Carsten Moschner


Stephan Löw

Stephan Löw

CSL Behring

Dr. Daniel Müller

Dr. Daniel Müller

GMP Inspector

Arjan Langen

Arjan Langen

GE Healthcare

Dr. Philip Hörsch

Dr. Philip Hörsch

Vetter Pharma-Fertigung

Robert G. Schwarz

Robert G. Schwarz


Matthias Schaar

Matthias Schaar


Dr. Rainer Gnibl

Dr. Rainer Gnibl

GMP Inspektor, Regierung von Oberbayern

All times mentioned are CEST.


This Live Online Training offers you a unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with the new regulatory requirements of the revised final Annex 1, the impact on aseptic manufacturing, terminal sterilization and the challenges related to quality aspects. Still need to implement some points and need suggestions? Or you would like to review your approach and compare it with the experience of colleagues and inspectors?

Speakers from the authorities as well as representatives from the pharmaceutical industry and experts from technical suppliers will present their views and experiences in areas such as quality risk management, process simulation, as well as the challenging topics PUPSIT and CCIT. In addition, the much-discussed topic of contamination control strategy will be addressed and solutions presented.

The classic topics of contamination control such as environmental monitoring, cleaning and disinfection, personnel hygiene will also be discussed with you.


The aseptic filling of a sterile product must be performed in a controlled environment. (Grade A clean room in a corresponding classified environment). The most relevant part of the EU GMP Guide for this type of production is Annex 1 of this Guide. After a long revision period of the previously valid 2008 version and two rounds of comments, the long-awaited revised Annex 1 for the manufacture of sterile medicinal products was finally published by the European Commission on August 25, 2022. The main reason for the update was to reflect changes in the regulatory environment and new developments in manufacturing technologies, which include a significant shift towards the application of quality risk management principles. The new Annex 1 is into force since August 25, 2023.


This Live Online Training is of interest to professionals from
  • Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers,
  • Authorities and suppliers with responsibilities in Aseptic Manufacturing,
  • Quality Assurance,
  • Quality Control,
  • Auditing,
  • Inspections

who are involved in
  • Contamination Control,
  • Engineering,
  • Monitoring,  
  • Qualification and Validation,
  • Internal Audits,
  • Quality Affairs,
  • Aseptic Process Simulation/Media Fill

Technical Requirements

We use WebEx for our live online training courses and webinars. At you will find all the information you need to participate in our trainings and you can check if your system meets the necessary requirements to participate. If the installation of browser extensions is not possible due to your rights in the IT system, please contact your IT department. WebEx is a standard nowadays and the necessary installation is fast and easy.


Annex 1 Intensive Training Course - Live Online Training

Gesamtes Programm als PDF herunterladen

Future Sterile Manufacturing – some Thoughts about the Annex 1 Changes

Contamination Control Strategy - Inspector‘s View on an Overarching Strategy
  • Requirements
  • Expectations & interpretations
The ECA CCS Guide – a Brief Overview
  • Guide scope and purpose
  • Structure & content overview
Structure and Design – Practical Aspects for a CCS
  • How to develop the strategy
  • How to have your documents available and accessible
Aseptic Process Simulation – Annex 1 Requirements
  • Requirements
  • Expectations & interpretations
Sterile Filtration & Container Closure - Annex 1 Requirements
  • Sterile filtration requirements
  • Pre-Use-Post-Sterilization-Integrity-Testing (PUPSIT) of sterile filters
  • Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT
  • Visual inspection process
PUPSIT – Annex 1 - Application of Risk Management
  • PUPSIT: Risk Assessment for PUPSIT and considerations of associated risks in established processes
CCIT – In the Light of the New Annex 1
  • Changed requirements for CCIT in finishing of sterile products
  • Holistic and more scientific view on CCI system as now multiple influencing aspects are explicitly addressed
Disinfection – Efficacy Testing and Validation
  • Antimicrobial agents and their efficacy
  • Testing methods
  • Efficacy testing against Isolates
  • Validation approach
QRM in Sterile Manufacturing – Industrial Experience
  • Strengths and limitations of an EM program
  • Trending: detecting changes
  • Use of modern technologies
  • Response to level excursions
Annex1 vs. ISO 14644-1
Requirements from a Technical Point of View
  • Accordance and differences
  • The issue with the particle sizes
  • Qualification challenges
Enhanced Requirements on Facilities and Utilities
  •  Utilities: water, steam and gases
  •  Facilities: airlocks and pass boxes ; insertion of barrier technologies
  •  Implicit requirements
 Authorities‘ Point of View on RABS and Isolators
  •  Requirements for barrier systems in new Annex
  •  Major changes compared to previous Version (Annex 1, 2008)
  •  Inspector‘s comments on changed requirements
Personnel - Behaviour and Access into Cleanrooms
  • Requirements for personnel in new Annex 1
  • Developments since version 2008 of Annex 1
  • Comments of inspector on implementation
New Requirements on a Cleanroom Garment System as an Essential Element of the Contamination
  • Control strategy
  • The ‚new‘ Annex 1
  • Contamination control strategy for garments
  • Risk management
Environmental Monitoring – Current Methodology and Experiences
  • Strengths and limitations of an EM program
  • Trending: detecting changes
  • Use of modern technologies
  • Response to level excursions
Environmental & Process Monitoring - Inspector´s View
  • Summary of requirements from entire Annex 1
  • Essentials for inspection
Comparison of Annex 1 with other Relevant Documents
  • Clean room grades
  • Gowning
  • Monitoring
  • Trending

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Teilnehmerstimmen - das sagen andere über unsere Seminare:

"Die Umsetzung mit Memberspot ist wirklich ausgezeichnet gelungen.
Es unterstützt die Wissensvermittlung und gewährleistet auch die richtige Durchführung des Kurses.”
Christian Wagener, WAGENER & CO. GmbH
GMP Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 1) - Aufzeichnung Online Seminar, April 2024

Guter, breit gefächerter Überblick mit interessanten Verknüpfungen zur Praxis,
welche die Theorie super veranschaulicht.”
Marina Kicoranovic, Labor Hartmann GmbH
GMP/Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 14), September 2023

Die Referenten waren sehr gut! Sie haben sehr klar gesprochen, nur sehr wenige englische Begriffe
verwendet (super) und waren sehr praxisbezogen.”
Astrid Gießler, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
Live Online Seminar - Basiskurs Computervalidierung & Datenintegrität im GxP Umfeld (B 3), Juni 2023

Sehr guter Bezug zur Schulung für einen GMP-Anfänger. Habe mich sehr gut abgeholt gefühlt.”
Dr. Harald Werner, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
GMP-Basisschulung (B 1), Juni 2023

„Interessante Themen, gut vorgetragen, die eigenen Erfahrungen der Vortragenden helfen, dies noch besser nachzuvollziehen.“ „Gute Gestaltung der Workshops, das Zusammenarbeiten in Gruppen und der Austausch mit anderen hilft sehr.“
Manuela Seibert, Merck, GMP-Leadauditor/in (FA 2), April 2024


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